Sep 17, 2011

Higher Ed vs K-12

     I heard an interview with a Higher Ed booster not too long ago in which he called for more of the Alabama Education Budge pie for them and, by necessity, less for K-12.
     I wondered at the time if he could name an institution of Higher Education in Alabama at which students are asked to bring their own toilet paper, hold rummage sales and look for corporate donations to provide common school supplies.   
     That's a fact of life for many of Alabama's public K-12 schools.
    And then, this weekend, movement at both UAB in Birmingham and ASU in Montgomery toward construction of football stadiums, all during terrible financial times for most of the country.
    With the departures from AEA of Paul Hubbard and Joe Reed, and the GOP domination of the Legislature, there is sure to be a major push to change the pie in Higher Ed's favor during the 2012 Session.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Auburn has a tradition of TP'ing the trees after a sports (but not scholastic) victory. Maybe the students need to bring their own TP.

    Really, the requirement to bring your own TP to elementary, middle and secondary schools is ridiculous and insulting.
