Sep 15, 2011


So your wife or husband has Alzheimer's? Divorce her and get a fresh start. So says Pat Robertson.


  1. Although I am absolutely no fan of Pat Robertson, there are reasons for divorce in such a situation. Most insurance policies presently have lifetime caps or limitations, although new health care laws may change this.

    The ordinary family would quickly exhaust its financial resources to provide care for an Alzheimer's victim. Divorce would be a way for the victim to be covered by Medicaid.

    This is not the way it should be, but that's the reality in America.

  2. Jay,
    Yes that is true, and I understand the financial need for such a divorce. But Robertson's argument is more of an emotional one: "if you decided that you had to have companionship, you’re lonely"..get a "fresh start".
    I have not "walked a mile" in the shoes of a person in that situation, so I won't question their decision, whatever it is. But for Robertson to offer dispensation, for me, is too much.

  3. The Borowitz Report has a great take on this:
