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Dec 5, 2011

MMMM # 177 ---Look, Up in The Air! A Reporter!

     The Washington Post reported on Sunday about the inevitable use of drone aircraft by the media, including the fact that a website used a drone to report on the Tuscaloosa tornadoes.
     The FAA is scheduled to release regulations about the non-military use of the unmanned aircraft next month.
     Reporting on stories from above is nothing new.
     Broadcasters have been using helicopters to cover news for decades, but as the story points out, the relative cheapness of a drone makes it a very attractive tool.
     The actual history of aerial photography dates to 1860! That's the first photo in the U.S. to the right.

   During the 70's and '80's, I flew in a helicopter for traffic reports on WERC Radio in Birmingham. When we saw a fire or other newsworthy event, describing it was part of the job.
     But drones are much smaller, quieter, fly much lower, and are less likely to be noticed by people on the ground. At what point will the use of drones violate privacy? Can a station's drone fly over an individual's deck and take video of...well, the things people sometimes do on decks. How about shooting through a window. Some of this is already established law, but the drone aspect kicks it all up a notch, into relatively uncharted territory.
    Which Alabama TV station will be the first to invest in a drone, once the FAA regs are published? Give it five years, and the top stations in every market will have one. Or two!

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of]

1 comment:

  1. Think smaller, Tim. Think Remote Control hobby craft.
