Dec 5, 2011

Outsider Alert! Outsider Alert!

     The Tuscaloosa News reported over the weekend that the per-centage of students in the 2011freshpeople class at The University of Alabama that ain't from around these parts rose to above fifty per cent for the first time in the University's almost-forever history.
     What will we do?
     Those are Alabama Tax Dollars going to fund that football team university! Do we want our tax dollars funding educations for them foreigners from California and other heathen places? Some of them are even from other those Hispanics from Mexico and New Mexico that we're chasing out, except maybe legal. Some of them might even be from communist places like Cuba or China or...whatever other Communist places are left. Oh yea, Venezuala. And probably Rhode Island too.
     Come to think of it, those outsiders are probably also using our Alabama-tax-dollar-built interstate welcome centers too!
     Good thing the legislature will be coming to Montgomery on February 7th! They'll fix it!


  1. Tim! I'm skeered! What are they going to do to us Yankees?

  2. Don't tell Scott Beason!
