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Mar 13, 2012

Only now?

     In the news tonight: The Encyclopedia Britannica will be published in print no more. 
    Heck, I though they had already stopped! Who except libraries was buying it anyway? 
     It's like the brilliant idea the state had under Bob Riley in 2009...publishing this 678 page book with tons of pictures about the hardcover no less! The idea was to hand it to companies who might want to build a plant in Alabama. It also contained the names of all of those public officials in office that year, many of whom were replaced two years later.
     The history portion of the books is, well, history light. It glosses over the state's racist past and plays up its less racist present. 
     State do PR all the time, but I wondered at the time why it wasn't a digital product that could be updated instantly instead of a huge paperweight gathering dust on a shelf somewhere.
     You can buy a used hardback copy for as little as $7.25 on Amazon, where the sales rank is 2,451,075
    Not quite a best seller.
     There no evidence I can find of a reprint in any of the years since , so it truly is, and will forever be, so 2009.

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