Apr 13, 2012

M(F)M(A)MM* #201 -- Google Claims a Stake in Political Conventions

     Google says it will stream live coverage of the Republican Convention in August...staking a claim on some territory that used to belong to broadcast TV. I don't know if they'll do the same for the Democratic convention, since there's less drama there, but perhaps. 
     The networks long ago ceded that real-estate to cable news, but now the CNN's of the world will have some powerful competition.
     When I started at APT in the late 90's, we were among the first to use the Internet to for political convention coverage. It was herky-jerky video, for sure, but showed what could be done with early net.  
     Now, with browsers in a billion smart phones, and video streaming a much more reliable media, Google is using some of its substantial cash reserves to play the game at a much higher level.


Speaking of CNN, you may have heard about Newt dissin' FOX for unfair and unbalanced coverage. He says CNN was much fairer to him...that FOX clearly was biased in favor of Mitt Romney. Bias? Heck. that's the flavor of the month now...viewers select the channel that will support their own leanings and listen to the sweet sounds of Your Are SO right!

[*The Monday (sometimes Friday) Morning (sometimes afternoon) Media Memo is a regular feature of this website.]

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