Apr 17, 2012


     According to a USA Today story, replacing the University of Alabama's shattered Coach's Trophy will be a cinch. A new one will arrive in a matter of weeks because of a surplus held in reserve.
     Too bad the State of Alabama's shattered international image won't be replaced as easily.
     Even as the State Legislature debates "adjustments" to the existing law, the world's media continues to hammer at it. The New York Times today calls it a mess and points out even Mississippi allowed a similar bill to die.
     The International Business Times says Alabama is bucking the trend of others states that are pulling back from harsh immigration statutes. And The Washington Post opines that the revisions in some cases "makes a harsh bill harsher."
     And those are just three influential papers with an international readership. A Google search of blogs under "Alabama Immigration" turned up 2.9 million hits.
     In Washington, A U.S. Senate Judiciary sub-committee held a hearing on racial profiling today, with the Alabama law up front and center..
     Even the conservative Birmingham News calls the rewrite..."...the legacy of these Alabama Republicans and, most of all, Gov. Robert Bentley"...and they are not paying Bentley a compliment.
     Alabama can "dare defend our rights" all you want. An international image is what it is, and this law continues paint the state as heartless and racist, familiar territory from the not too distant past.
      The UA Waterford Crystal football was broken by accident.
     The damage to Alabama's reputation by the Immigration Law was totally intentional. 
     The trophy replacement will be delivered from the Waterford plant in Ireland. We hope they ship it instead of delivering it by hand. An Irishman might not look too "foreign" to Alabama cops, but with a heavy brogue, you never know. 
    Where are your papers, mick?

1 comment:

  1. Yup. It's bad enough, Tim, that you and I are Nawthunuhs.
