Jul 2, 2012

I Swear!

     The Mayor of Anchorage is going to be sworn in long-distance, from Hawaii, where he's on vacation, points out South-Pacific Editor-in-Chief Jay. I don't doubt it. If you had a choice where to be for a swearing in (or almost anything else!) which would you choose? Maybe he can just rent an office on the beach and run the city from Hawaii too!

     A cheap shot, no doubt, but no worse than Republican Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, who, talking with a young politically minded student about Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, commented that
"I know Christie...he's...he's...from New Jersey. And he acts like it."
     Careful Governor, Remember what you said the next time you hear about some Yankee making cracks about Alabama.

1 comment:

  1. I like Long Beach Island, NJ! My wife's family used to own property there. Her aunt owned a house at (drumroll!) 40 Alabama Avenue!

    That house was on the bay side. In the days of the Nixon era, I liked to visit that house, look across the bay and think, "Nixon's over there and he can't touch me here!"
