Jul 21, 2012

M(S*)MMM #222 -- MTV's Misplaced Priorities

    Really? Like 30 hours after the movie murders in Colorado, MTV urges people to support the Batman movie? Writer Josh Wigler on the MTV site:

"I won't let the actions of one self-declared joker stand between me and my passion."

     Really Josh? You have somehow concluded that supporting a movie is a statement of support for grieving families? 
     At least Warner Brothers had the decency not to release box office numbers as a sign of respect. 
    My first thought was that maybe MTV owns Warner Brothers? But apparently not.
    Get a life Josh. The success or failure of the movie is so insignificant in light of the shootings that you shame the MTV website with your preposterous boosterism.

(The Monday --*and sometimes Saturday--Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of www.timlennox.com.)

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