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Aug 24, 2012

The Frightening Fringe

     Twice this week I heard or read comments about President Obama that gave me pause, even in the overheated irrational political world we live in.     
    First it was good old Hank Williams, Jr. at a concert, calling the President an Anti-American Muslim:
"We've got a Muslim president who hates farming, hates the military, hates the U.S. and we hate him!"

    Then I heard about an interview on a station in Texas during which a Judge argued for a tax increase because the money will be needed if Obama is re-elected. Why? Listen to his argument about Obama inviting the U.N. to take over the U.S. Honest. He says Obama... will

"try to give the sovereignty of the United States away to the United Nations. What do you think the public's going to do when that happens? We are talking civil unrest, civil disobedience, possibly, possibly civil war. ... I'm not talking just talking riots here and there. I'm talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms, get rid of the dictator. OK, what do you think he is going to do when that happens? He is going to call in the U.N. troops, personnel carriers, tanks and whatever."

     What can you say?

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry. Hank Jr.'s not in his right mind. That's brain damage from his mountain fall talking.

    As for the judge... the GOP has been - as then-governor Nelson Rockefeller said at the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco, CA - "The Republican party is in real danger of subversion by a radical, well-financed and highly disciplined minority. These extremists feed on fear, hate and terror."

    Need more proof?

    In "The Betrayal of America" by Vincent Bugliosi, 2001, Barry Goldwater is recorded as saying, "Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you've hurt the Republican party much more than the Democrats have."

    And in 1996, speaking to GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole - whose positions lacked strong, broad support from conservatives - he said, "We're the new liberals of the Republican party. Can you imagine that?"

    That same year, with Senator Dennis DeConcini, Goldwater endorsed an Arizona initiative to legalize medical marijuana.

    We know how that election turned out, don't we?

    And what does it say that the GOP's thus-far presumptive VP nominee Paul Ryan has based his budgets upon precepts found in a poorly-written adolescent novel?

    Is that not wholly removed from reality - so much so, as to be absurdist?

    And how ironic is it, that as the GOP plans their nominative fete in Tampa, that one of nature's most destructive forces - a hurricane - is bearing down upon the state, and may well wreak havoc with all the attendees?

    How perplexing is it, that as our nation hastens toward the November General Election, there are state GOP efforts nation-wide to quickly enact a perplexing myriad of state voter ID laws - particularly in so-called "battleground states"? Why weren't they enacted four years ago? Why now, and in such haste?

    Based upon such observations, one could hardly fail to conclude that the entire party has fallen prey to tin-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist "birthers," none of whom are in their "right" minds.
