Sep 3, 2012

Conventional Controversy

     With the GOP convention finished and the Democrats getting started in Charlotte: a (shock!) controversy has broken out over a Demo Party official who compared Republicans to a Nazi leader! Read the story and see if you think either of them has a point.
     A poll by Gallup indicates more yawns than anything from Mitt Romney's speech last week. I wish they had asked the same questions about the empty chair "speech" by Clint Eastwood. 
     While President Bill Clinton will open the convention for the Democrats, President George Bush---you know, the one who was president for two full terms just three and a half years ago---was 100% ignored in Tampa. Not a word from or about him.
     The TV Ratings for the GOP meeting were low...The Week Magazine includes an article with four theories why. Personally I think it's the lack of any political surprise. Like they were going to nominate a Democrat? Honey Boo Boo (Yes, I admit it. I had to ask who that is) beat the convention coverage. Same for this week's Democratic Convention, and I'm sure the ratings will be equally uninspiring.

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