Sep 3, 2012

MMMM # 230 -- Labor Day

The MMMM is light this morning, appropriate for a holiday celebrating work, no?
Happy Labor Day!

  • A back female videographer for CNN had peanuts thrown at her by people attending the GOP convention in Tampa last week, people who talked said "this is what we feed the animals".The Washington Post urged CNN to tell the full story and release the relevant video, but so far as I can tell, no go.
  • I don't want to kick my newspaper brothers while they are down, but The Montgomery Advertiser--soon to be the largest daily newspaper in Alabama---solicited delegates to the GOP convention in Tampa to write for them in a "blog". A fine line, I would say, between a blog and a report. Why not just put their material in the form of an op-ed piece instead letting it be confused with  of actual reportage?

  • The content editor for the TDAW newspapers, Kevin Wendt, either did not write a weekly column about the changes set for "this Fall", or it was hidden. since I couldn't find it online anywhere. We're still waiting to hear the last date the papers will publish seven days a week, though it appears to be a month from now, October 1st.
  • A new article in The Altlantic asks--and answers--the question; Why do Americans Hate The Media".]
[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of]

1 comment:

  1. The glorification of the GOP convention was glaringly evident in the Advertiser last week.
