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Dec 10, 2012

MMMM # 253-- Truly Anonymous Sources

  • The anonymous comment pollution of journalism continues. Bad enough that news websites allow people to use fake names to comment on stories, now the use of those comments inside the stories themselves is growing.     

     One example came last week when CNN included this comment in their story about Australian DJ's who prank-called the hospital where Kate Middleton was being treated for severe morning sickness. The nurse who took the prank call committed suicide.
"Do you know why patriots like myself defend this kind of speech until my dying breath?" posted a CNN commenter. "To find that answer, ask yourself this: Who decides what kind of speech is appropriate or inappropriate?....
     The comment continued at great length... from a completely anonymous person. It could have been written the CNN reporter, of the DJ's themselves for all we know!

  •      George Zimmerman sued NBC last week for the infamous edited 911 call the network aired. His suit alleges the net wanted to make Zimmerman appear to have racist intentions when he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. NBC clams it was just a mistake, but it fired three people in the aftermath.
     Zimmerman himself is set for trial next June.

[PLUS: An interview with the New York Times Bureau Chief about the state of journalism is online here.]

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of]

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