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Mar 17, 2013

Fun? In Downtown Montgomery?

      We traveled around Downtown Montgomery in perfect weather on Saturday night....lots of people, some of them enjoying a Irish street party with live music on Dexter Avenue, others at a private party of some kind at the RSA Activity Center...and some out barhopping between the places at the Alley (including the new Aviator Bar), The "Sand Bar" on the River, the new Irish Bred Pub on Dexter, and the bar at the Renaissance where there was also live music.
     Said a friend: "Who knew Downtown could be so much fun?"

UPDATE: Speakin' of St. Pats day...there are seven times as many people of Irish descent in the U.S. than the population of Ireland itself. The Trulia Real Estate people posted this map showing the concentrations:

      Oh, and by the way, the Alabama town with the largest percentage of people with an Irish background is Fackler. It's a tiny place in Northeast Alabama with a population of 807.....and 37.16% claim Irish heritage. Montgomery is 12%. Here's the list.

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