May 25, 2013

Countdown to no insurance for the poorest of the poor.

     Starting in January, health insurance will be mandatory for Americans. and some lower-income citizens will be able to get assistance to pay their premiums.
     But the poorest of the population will be cut out in Alabama and almost two dozen other states where mostly Republican Governors and Legislatures have decided NOT to go along with the Medicaid expansion called for by Obamacare*.

"If only you had a little more money, you could get insurance subsidies, but because you are so poor, you cannot get anything."

     That's the message the poorest of the poor in those states will get. Imagine trying to explain the logic of it all? The NY Times has a story about the issue today.

[*The name Obamacare was a GOP construct meant to be a slur, but months ago, President Obama started using the name, explaining simply: "I do care!" But I still get weird looks from folks when I use it.]

1 comment:

  1. The Alabama version can be properly named "Bentley Doesn't Care."
