May 24, 2013

Where is The S.O.S.?

       The most recent Alabama News Network* Extra report I produced is about Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman and other constitutional officers who are required by the 1901 Constitution to "reside at the Capital" during their terms of office. 
     Surprisingly, other statewide elected officials are not, like the justices of The Alabama Supreme Court and PSC Commissioners.

     The report is online now, and you can watch it here.

[*Alabama News Network is the corporate umbrella name for the family of TV stations we own and/or manage out of the company's new digital HD broadcast center on Harrison Road in Montgomery, including CBS 8 and ABC Montgomery. And yes, I use the "we" rather broadly. I don't even own my parking space. But I do work there.]

1 comment:

  1. But, Tim--getting in that early to do your show, there should be plenty of parking.

    Will there be an open house, so we ordinary folks can see the digs you've been bragging about?
