May 19, 2013

Sunday Focus: Montgomery Entertainment


The Alley
The City of Montgomery has established two "Entertainment Zones" Downtown centered on The Alley, the other along Fairview Avenue, centered on the businesses around The Capri Theater. They're hoping for legislative approval for a third, along Cloverdale Road near Dirk's Filet and Vine, or to connect Cloverdale and Fairview somehow into one widespread zone.
     In the zones, people can walk from bar to bar carrying alcoholic drinks, a no-no under state ABC regulations. Oh my!
The Capri

   USA Today this morning is reporting about a future question the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board may have to consider for those Zones...pedal pubs. Pedal powered jitney-like vehicles with a "Bar on Board" that are spreading across the country.
     I can just imagine the moralistic struggle an entrepreneur would go through trying to win approval for one of them in Montgomery!
     And by the way, why has the city not considered creating an Entertainment Zone along West Fairview Avenue, another area under redevelopment?
     For perspective: when I moved to Alabama in 1976, You couldn't even have outdoor patios serving drinks at restaurants, and liquor sales were forbidden on Sundays.

1 comment:

  1. I'd rather see drunks fastened to their bar stools with seat belts, than wandering in the streets and getting hit by cars.

    This, coming from an Episcopalian!
