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Jun 23, 2013

A Big SCOTUS Week Ahead

     One of the four major rulings expected from the U.S. Supreme Court this coming week has a direct connection to Alabama.

     The court may decide the fate of Section 5 of The U.S. Civil Rights Act. A suit was filed by officials in Shelby County, Alabama's most Republican County. The plaintiffs argue that it is no longer necessary for the U.S. Justice Department to review voting law changes in Alabama and some other, mostly Southern States. They say the racism that was so prevalent in the past is no longer a factor in voting rights, at least not so much that the feds need to be involved.
     If the justices do throw out Section 5, many formulas have been proposed to replace it, and most of them put all or most of Alabama back under Federal supervision.
     Here's one map from a N.Y. Times story showing which states have more discrimination than the National average, and are therefore need the continued review.

     The other rulings are certainly going to have a big impact on Alabama too...including a Texas case on whether a University can use race as a factor is deciding who is this particular case, using minority racial status as a positive for admittance.
     And there are two gay marriage cases that could have an impact on that issue even in Alabama, though the main focus is on other states.
     Some rulings could come down tomorrow...others perhaps on Wednesday and Thursday. But only time will tell.
     Montgomery viewers can watch CBS 8 for live reports as soon as the decisions are announced.

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