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Jun 24, 2013

MMMM # 386 --- A Busy News Day

  Monday may be a huge news day, with potential U.S. Supreme Court rulings,  the start of the Trevon Martin murder trial in Florida, and a key U.S. Senate vote on Immigration.

     That trial may be a minefield for reporters as they try to avoid perceived or actual bias. The Poynter Institute--a journalism ethics t hink-tank-- published a story laying out the issues, advising reporters to "look beyond the hoodie" (and pointing out that while the victim's hoodie has been mentioned in thousands of stories, few of those stories included the fact that suspect George Zimmerman also wore one that night).

     CNN posted a primer on the case for non-reporters, to bring them up to date on events in the shooting in February of last year.

     The NY Times reports on attempts by social media like Twitter to spread the word about SCOTUS decisions, even though there are almost never leaks from within the court.

     And while reporters there will also be mindful of staying impartial, at least one Supreme Court Justice came close to saying how he has, or will, vote this past week, as he has before, reported The Charlotte Observer:
During an October speech to the American Enterprise Institute, (Antonin) Scalia described the death penalty, abortion and “homosexual sodomy” as “easy” constitutional issues. “Homosexual sodomy? Come on. For 200 years it was criminal in every state.”
[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of Join Tim each weekday morning in Montgomery on CBS 8 and ABC Montgomery starting at 5:00a.m.]

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