Jun 2, 2013

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Rules!

"I think you should rarely follow the rules. I think you should write the rules. If you follow things in a formulaic manner, you will wind up at best being the same as everybody else. ... If you want to excel you can't do that. I watched a lot of companies do that, and I think that's a rotten strategy. I think you need to write your own rules."

                               Apple CEO Tim Cook.
                              Alabama native.

Here's the story.

I wonder at what point he thinks that's appropriate. High School students? 8th graders?

And, of course, the grammatical error in the slogan irks me, but c'est la vie.

1 comment:

  1. The slogan is not necessarily ungrammatical.

    "Think differently," as think in a different way, is probably what the slogan-writers had in mind.

    "Thnk different" has another slant. Example: How many different uses for a large paper clip can you think of?
