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Jul 29, 2013

MMMM # 394 -- The End of Journalism?.

     It deserves at least a conversation when AlJazeera, U.S. News and World Report and The Christian Science Monitor suggest Journalism is "Doomed" if Bradley Manning is convicted of the most serious charge against him: Aiding the enemy.
     Two of the biggest leakers/whistleblowers in recent history...WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg say that's true.
     They suggest the Obama Administration is trying to rewrite the U.S. Constitution and frighten journalists from reveling state misbehavior.
     But in a PBS interview Friday, New York Times reporter Charlie Savage---who has been in the courtroom for the entire trial---says prosecutors want the judge to think otherwise:

And so the prosecution was trying to draw that line as well.If he'd given the information to The New York Times or The Guardian or Der Spiegel directly, The Washington Post, that would have a crime, but that's not this.WikiLeaks was in the business of just wholesale bulk posting of documents.That's not journalism.So it's something different, so don't worry, Judge, about the notion that you -- this unprecedented aiding the enemy charge may somehow cripple investigative journalism going forward if this establishes a precedent.
     And speaking of the trial itself, there's a virtual war going on between the military and the reporters covering the Manning trial, reports Huffington Post. With some armed soldiers peering over the shoulders of reporters as they write their stories. Talk about "chilling effects"!

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of]

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