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Dec 2, 2013

Human Rights = Animal Rights

     The group that filed suit today in favor of granting rights to a chimp says it doesn't believe Alabama is one of the states that would not likely grant those rights, because of it was a slave-holding state:

The fact that the State of Alabama has still never overturned its previous rulings denying certain humans from using habeas corpus since the 13th Amendment was passed means that this denial is still good law.
And that makes it unlikely that the state’s high court would allow a nonhuman animal to use the writ to challenge her status as property rather than person.
                                                                                      The Non-Human Rights Project

     The project's suit claims a chimp named "Tommy" is being held against his will at a New York State reindeer sanctuary. 
     They say he is kept in a cave like enclosure. 
     The owners counter that he has cable TV, and is treated like a family member.

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