Dec 16, 2013

MMMM # 422 And the good news?

     There doesn't seem to be much--good news--- in the announcement that The Universe may collapse any minute now, squishing all of us, our hope and dreams and bodies and all of our possessions into a single very dense ball. 
     Guess I should stop worrying about the mortgage?
     Depressing as it was, at least that story came to us from scientific sources. The other most depressing story of the week came from the netherworld of pseudo-journalism. The Globe tabloid reminded people who have become well-known that death is around the corner. Note the headline doesn't have question mark, but an explanation mark!

     Too bad---for their publicity purposes---that they didn't include Peter O'Toole. He died on Sunday. Maybe they should have started a Globe Dead Pool. Ghastly.


     It was published a month ago, but I've just caught up with a
Does anyone still buy papers? In machines?
in a Mobile online news outlet called Lagniappe that reports significant drops in circulation at the three major Alabama newspapers that dropped back to three-days-a-week publications.

     No word on The Montgomery Advertiser, which maintains a seven-day a week schedule, making it the largest daily newspaper in Alabama.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of]

1 comment:

  1. The Globe tabloid reminded people who have become well-known that death is around the corner. Note the headline doesn't have question mark, but an explanation mark!

    What's an explanation mark? Strunk and White don't list it.

    Neither do any newspaper style books.
