Jan 19, 2014

Sunday Focus: Going to The Movies

     The SAG Awards were last night---a kind of preview of what might happen next month at The Oscars, though SAG includes TV too.

American Hustle was the big winner.

     I love movies, and I've concluded that this year there is an embarrassment of riches for the top prize. Is Twelve Years a Slave better than American Hustle? Or vis versa? Is Gravity just a one trick pony or Best Movie? Does the suspense of Captain Phillips and the performances by Tom Hanks and the unknown Barkhad Abdi raise it to the top? Then there's Lone Survivor and on TV, Downton Abbey and Breaking Bad and....

      I don't know. I loved them all, and other other nominees too (though  August: Osage County set my teeth on edge,, But I did not hate it as much as the New York Times critic who said the cast was fracting instead of acting.)
     But there is another story casting a bit of a pall on the whole movie experience.
     Curtis Reeves, the retired Tampa cop who shot and killed a movie patron in an argument over a texting after the other moviegoer threw popcorn at him.
     I've posted before about how irritating the texting has become...the little blue screens lighting up the rows of seats between you and the screen. I am not suggesting in any way that the cop was somehow justified...he needs to go away for a very long time if he did it and is convicted of the crime. But am I the only one who deep down, has felt like doing something less fatal but just as confrontational to the next person to start their fingers twitching during even the previews?
     Forget the texting and driving laws, let's declare entire areas no texting zones....including theaters.
     And don't get me started on the  ten minutes worth of commercials before the movie starts or the outrageous concession stand prices.

[Sunday Focus is a regular feature of TimLennox.com]

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