Feb 9, 2014

Failure to Report (DUH!)

     Alabama deer hunters didn't report their kills as they had been asked to asked by the Alabama Department of Conservation.
     Than should be the least surprising story of the decade.
     Did the state really think that hunters---not among them most government-trusting types in the state, were going to report they killed a certain number of deer, also reporting indirectly that they own some kind of big deer-killing guns?
     And then let the government maintain a list of just who in the state owns those weapons?
     The Conservation folks wanted the info--they said---"to track the success or failure of the extended season in southwest Alabama."     
     That hunting season ends tomorrow.
     Hunters reported killing 18,500 deer, but officials estimate that's only 3 or 4 percent of the actual kills. They think the hunters didn't report because they lacked access to the technology to do so.
     They just didn't want their phone numbers on the list for tracking by the black helicopters. Or by the NSA. 

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