Feb 10, 2014

MMMM # 430 -- REALLY bad PR.

   There was an example posted here yesterday about a terrible PR decision by a zoo.
     Sometimes a decision makes sense for a business entity, but is still a terrible idea, and that was one.
     Here's a proposal from a business leader that sounds like a bad idea that was also terribly executed. The result: another PR disaster. 
     In this case the AOL CEO has changed his mind and backed off.      
     In the case of the Zoo in Copenhagen, it is too late. The giraffe has already been literally fed to the tigers.
     PR is sometimes such an obvious business that it's a wonder
companies have to hire experts to practice it in their interest. Then there are cases like the above.  Stories about the execution of the giraffe quote the zoo scientific director, not a PR person.
     Did they fire their PR people because of The Great Recession, as frequently happens during downturns? Or as also happens...did they ignore their pleas? And I won't exclude the possibility that they hired somebody's nephew for the job, regardless of his lack of training. 

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature here at TimLennox.com]

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