Feb 23, 2014

Sunday Focus: Which Comes First...residents or retailers?

       Montgomery officials unveiled a plan for the East end of Dexter Avenue on Friday...what they call The Market District. 
     The use of the word "Market" is because Dexter was once called Market Street, but it is also a reminder that there was a slave market on the site in the 1800's. 
     At least some of the existing buildings were built using slave labor.

     Companies may see development on Dexter as attractive because there are taxpayer paid incentives available.

      The centerpiece of the newly announced project is a loft building, but there is talk of everything from a bowling alley to, well, real stores that sell real stuff people need.

The streetscape is being renovated.
   That's one of the problems always facing developments in formerly active Downtowns. 
     Companies come in and build lofts, but the retail grocery stores and coffee shops and hardware stores they need to make it a livable environment always lag behind. Which came first? The residents or the chicken sandwich place?
     When I lived in a loft in Montgomery in the early 2000's---the former warehouse that now forms part of the Biscuits Baseball
My first home in Montgomery, as it looks now.
Stadium right field stands---there were virtually no stores within walking distance. 

     The last time I visited the Birmingham loft District there was still a need for more commerce to support the loft population, which promoters say now approaching 10,000.
     People also want to know that the loft they are buying will be, if not a great investment, at least a property that will increase in value.
     Have the first downtown Montgomery lofts done so?

[Sunday Focus is a regular feature of TimLennox.com]

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