Mar 16, 2014

Sunday Focus: knife, rock, gun, paper...

     Another multiple-victim knife attack in China...six people killed.
     It follows an attack last week in China in which 29 people died.
     A couple of years ago there were a series of knife attacks in schools.

There are 4.1 guns per 100 people in China.
The figure in the US is 100.1 per 100.

     Imagine how much more efficient those knife attackers could have been (Or, as I am sure the NRA would argue, how much more quickly the attackers could have been stopped) if there was more private gun ownership there!
     Mass-killings by gun do occur there, but rarely. 
     In the U.S. they have become almost commonplace.
     Do more guns keep people safe?

[Sunday Focus is a regular feature here on]


  1. A guy killed 29 people with just a knife?

    They should have called in Crocodile Dundee. "That isn't a knife. THIS is a knife."

  2. There were multiple attackers, at a RR station...I've added a link to that reference for folks to read it they want..
