Jun 11, 2014

The Corrupt South

New research into corruption in the states finds Alabama and four other southern states in the top ten--MOST corrupt states in America.

The study was done partly abroad--by researchers in Hong Kong:

The 10 most corrupt states were Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Alaska, South Dakota, Kentucky and Florida.

The 10 least corrupt states were Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Vermont, Utah, New Hampshire, Colorado and Kansas.

 Note: half of the most corrupt states are in The South, while none of the least corrupt states are Southern.

Since this is also the Bible Belt, what's up with that?


  1. Perhaps the research is subjective, but the Bible is universal, as is corruption. We won the The Revolutionary War, the constitution was designed for our rights and freedoms, but the corruption of English politics certainly made it's way over here.

  2. Why am I not surprised?

    And, L K, don't blame English politics. The Founding Fathers were trying to get away from that.

  3. True thus the Boston Tea Party in 1773 etc. Bank deals, labor deals and land deals corrupted politics. Andrew Jackson would've been the 6th President instead of 7th except for backroom last minute deals that changed electoral vote. Corruption isn't related to geography or which religion someone serves. The research is bogus.
