Jun 2, 2014

Tuesday's Primary Elections

Tim's rant about the Primary Elections.


     I've been saying that for decades. Why should we pay for the private, candidate selection process of private political parties, namely The Democrats and The Republicans?

     The general Election in November is the REAL election, the others are like the process the local social club goes through in selecting a president for the next year, (but less important.)

     Making the two party primary elections official state business gives the parties control...and makes it almost impossible for any third parties to get on the ballot. 

     Why do we do it? Mostly because it's always been done this way.

     I've expressed this thought through the decades of Democratic Party rule, and I'm continuing to do so now that the GOP has a super majority in the Legislature.

      Those PRIVATE political parties have also redrawn the voting districts, so GO HERE to make sure you know where to vote tomorrow. 
     You're paying for the election, so you may as well go vote in it. And remember, for the first time, you must have a photo ID.
     Since there is no party registration, you are free to vote in whichever primary you like. 
     Ask Bill Baxley or Charlie Graddick.

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