Jun 2, 2014

MMMM # 452 -- Tough Times for Alabama

It's been a tough week for Alabama, with various reports and studies branding the state the...

on your view of abortion.
(Will Gov. Bentley ever get a paycheck? Not at this rate, though his re-election campaign commercials brag about employment improvement in the state.)


     The Montgomery Advertiser is increasing its subscription prices by 24%, saying it is an action they "do not take lightly". 
     A Sunday only subscription goes from $11 to $13.60, though that includes access to their website.
     The paper remains the largest daily paper in Alabama after three others cut back to three-day-a-week printed editions.


In an al.com story about a federal immigration prisoner being held in Etowah County Alabama:
Linares, who claims he is an Orthodox Sephardic Jew, has argued he is not being served kosher meals, a key part of his religious faith and practice. That denial, he contends, violates U.S. law.

     (My emphasis on claims)
     Wonder if the reporter, writing a different story, would say a prisoner claims he is a Christian.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is a regular feature of www.TimLennox.com] 

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