Jul 9, 2014

Media Extra: Where Have All The J-Students Gone?

    A study by The University of Georgia and reported in The American Journalism Review shows a huge drop at one University Journalism School in Alabama, and a huge increase at another....
     Overall, half of the colleges in Alabama with journalism schools lost students between 2008 and 2012, and half gained.

Alabama State University           +7%
Auburn University                   -49%
Jacksonville State                       +27%
Samford University                    +16%
Springhill College                       -7%
Troy University                        +150%
                                                  University of Alabama                +17%
                                                  University of Alabama at
                                                  Birmingham                             -29%
                                                  University of North Alabama      -2%
                                                  University of South Alabama      -12%

     You know what they say: There are lies, damned lies, and
      I do not know if there were any extraordinary events at Auburn and Troy that account for the drastic change. Did Troy start offering new scholarship assistance? Or did Auburn end a scholarship program.
     Or maybe it is just the disruption to journalism caused by the digital tsunami and the Great Recession, convincing students there may be a more stable job out there.

{Media Extra is a feature of TimLennox.com in between the every week Monday Morning Media Memo] 

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