"Mud slinging is not what the Republican Party is all about."
(from a news release from GOP Chair Bill Armistead--- reproduced below)
Well, it is easy to absolve an entire party of mudslinging, but are we forgetting Karl Rove?
As former legislator and Alabama News Network analyst Steve Flowers is fond of saying, they "go negative" because it works.
"The Republican primary runoff is next Tuesday, July 15, and in these final throes of the campaign, candidates often succumb to the pressure of going negative to try to get the boost they need to claim victory on election day. I urge all Republican candidates, who are in a runoff Tuesday, to keep it positive and tell voters why they should vote for you, not why they should not vote for someone else.
(from a news release from GOP Chair Bill Armistead--- reproduced below)
Well, it is easy to absolve an entire party of mudslinging, but are we forgetting Karl Rove?
As former legislator and Alabama News Network analyst Steve Flowers is fond of saying, they "go negative" because it works.
Chairman Bill Armistead issued the following statement
regarding the runoff election on Tuesday, July 15:
"The Republican primary runoff is next Tuesday, July 15, and in these final throes of the campaign, candidates often succumb to the pressure of going negative to try to get the boost they need to claim victory on election day. I urge all Republican candidates, who are in a runoff Tuesday, to keep it positive and tell voters why they should vote for you, not why they should not vote for someone else.
understand that candidates are full of passion and motivation to serve
their state, district, etc. They travel, host events, advertise, go
door-to-door and raise money in hopes of getting voters to understand
their message and to get their support.
must ultimately remember that we are all Republicans, united for a
cause and linked by the same basic conservative principles. Without
unity in the Republican Party, we will cease to be the dominant party we
have become in recent years. We must continuously work to rise above
the fray and unify ourselves despite our differences. I urge all
Republican candidates to listen to your heart and not allow political
'handlers' to convince you to go negative in these final days.
"Voters should be careful do their own
research on candidates, the issues they support and those they oppose.
Voter should also follow the money to see who is financially supporting
each candidate; check to see if their values are the same as yours. Mud
slinging is not what the Republican Party is all about. We have core
convictions and we need to clearly communicate them in the campaign. In
the end, I think that we should abide by our beloved President Ronald
Reagan's 11 Commandment:'Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican'.
importantly I urge all voters to go to the polls on Tuesday and
exercise the precious freedom we have to choose our leaders. Polls open
at 7:00 AM and close at 7:00 PM. Please take time to vote!"
The Secretary of State, a Republican, predicts a 5% turnout on Tuesday for the runoff. Several of the races in Black Belt Counties have no Republican opposition in November, so the Democrat wh wins the runoff will take office after the General Election in November.
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