Jul 12, 2014

Saturday Status: HOT!

Climate change deniers be warned: you may not like this posting.

A group of scientists and journalists are looking for the facts about climate change.
They have posted an interactive map that allows you to see the calculations for what kind of summers there will be where you live in 2100.

Before you scream about liberals, read the group's "What We Do" statement, which includes this:

No Advocacy — We advance no specific policy, legislation, or technology to address climate change. We are scrupulously non-partisan.

For Montgomery, Alabama, where I live, the computer model predicts summer highs of 100, instead of the 90 averages we have now.

Summers in St. Paul, MN will be more like Mesquite, Texas, and so forth. The same group has posted a 14 second NASA animation showing how the globe has warmed since 1950.

[Saturday Status is a regular feature of timlennox.com. Also look for The Monday Morning Media Memo, and The Sunday Focus postings.]

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