Sep 29, 2014

MMMM # 466 -- New Media Phobia, and an MSNBC insult.

     Yes, I do have some tech phobia, as I suppose is common among older journalists. 
     I believe there is a tech wall out there for all of us, unless the technology evolves fast enough to help us to avoid a head-on crash.

     Did you readily adopt the home PC or Apple...but have no interest in a pad? Did you spend hundreds on one those early big brick cellphones, but now refuse to buy one of the "smart" phone that allow you to cook dinner and project movies onto the side you your house? 
     I have to remind myself that there are constants that do not change. Like content and the story telling in journalism.

     But when The New School in New York (which I attended back in the day) starts offering a combination design and journalist class , I find myself back at that brick wall again.


     What will the media be like 34 years for now?
 Read what The N.Y. Times wrote in predicting one aspect of the media future---in 1980.

     The average "sound bite" ( small piece of an interview) in a TV newscast is down to seven seconds. Yet The CBS Evening News on Sunday aired one that was just shy of two minutes.
     Yes, it was President Obama, and it was a clip from the 60 Minutes Season Premier that was coming in less than an hour, and it did include at least one question from Steve Croft, but still. A 1:50 sound bite is amazing.
[You can read the transcript of the interview here.]


And thanks so much to MSNBC for insulting me and others who were on their site over the weekend. A pop-up offered email updates from the website, and the negative response was "No thanks, I don't want to keep up with the day's stories." No, MSNBC, I don't want you sending crap to my email inbox.

[The Monday Morning Media Memo is  regular feature of Tim]


  1. I'm so un-tech that I still struggle with quill pens!

  2. I watch very little TV these days, partly because of the annoying trend to insert one-sentence "commentaries" whenever possible.

    Cooking competition show, for example. "I was really sweating that the turkey wouldn't be done in time."
