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Nov 22, 2014

Saturday Data: Should the U.S. follow Israel?

     When an act of terrorism happens in Israel, soldiers go to the home of the terrorist's family and destroys it, warning people inside to evacuate the building first. 

As the Forward reported back in September, house demolitions "date back to a 1945 British Mandate emergency regulation in pre-state Palestine that allowed the British military to confiscate and destroy any home used to discharge a weapon, or any home used by a person who violated military law."
                                                                                                (From The Atlantic)

     Between 2001 and 2004, 600 homes were destroyed...and now the practice is coming back.
     Should U.S. States or the Feds do the same? Perhaps for capital crimes? Yes, I know it would violate numerous Constitutional protections and would never happen...but what if?

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