Apr 6, 2015

Celebrate The Defeat of The Confederacy.

     That's what an article in The New Republic recommends, just in time for Thursday's 150th Anniversary of the end of the Civil War.

"Today, the South is home to innumerable counties, schools, and other monuments named in honor of Confederate men, or established to celebrate the Confederacy itself. The federal government can’t change that on its own, but it can refuse to participate in the celebration. It could rename these 10 army installations after Union fighters. It could remove monuments to the Confederacy (as opposed to museums and landmarks) from the National Register of Historic Places, and disclaim any obligation to finance their maintenance."

                                                                      From The New Republic article.

     When The league of The South says it will celebrate the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 14th, perhaps history is out of control.

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