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Aug 21, 2019

Alabama The Leader (NOT) for Women's Equality

     You might think a state with a female Governor would be in the top ten...or at least the top 25...when it comes to Women's Equality.

But Alabama---with Governor Kay Ivey---ranks 44th, according to a new study

  • Utah* ranks last.
  • Maine ranks first.
  • Seven of the bottom ten are in the Deep South.
Ivey signs the abortion Ban. She did so in private.
  •  Alabama also has the third lowest number of female members of state legislatures (15.7%), behind only Mississippi and West Virginia. 
  • The reason there is a female Governor is the former male governor, Republican Robert Bentley, had an affair and was thrown out of office. Ivey was Lt. Governor and ascended to the top office. As Governor, she signed into law the harshest abortion ban in the U.S. behind closed doors, not taking questions.
*The Mormons just banned members from drinking green tea too. (Here's an article that goes into great depth about what LDS members can not consume.)

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