Aug 27, 2019

Montgomery Election Day

The polls have just opened as this post appears---7:00 AM. They'll be open till 7:00 PM.

Residents will elect a new mayor and in some cases, a new city council representative, including my rep in district seven where incumbent Arch Lee is not running for another term.

Here it is election day and I have not determined which of the two council candidates (Clay McInnis or Johnnie Sankey) I'll vote for. There are pluses and minuses with each.

I have decided on a mayoral candidate. In both cases I have my fingers crossed, hoping that he/she will serve well.

As always, race will be a factor. Voters could elect the first black mayor of Montgomery. All of the other major cities in Alabama have already done so. I suspect there will be a runoff in the mayor's race.

Outgoing Mayor Todd Strange did not endorse any of the candidates running to replace him.
Go vote!

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