Apr 17, 2020

Capri Theater Update

"Lockdown Week 5
A bit of good news is that we were approved for a PPP loan. It is our understanding that, as it was approved before the fund ran out of money, we will still receive the funds. The loan will allow us to keep people paid for the next few months as well as to continue to pay our bills. And if we do everything right, the loan will be forgiven.

I'd like to thank Roger Teel, our contact at TrustMark bank for his support and guidance on the loan application; and board member Diane Steinhilber for crunching the numbers and preparing everything for the loan.

The other good news is our power was only knocked out for about 16 hours Sunday night; nothing else got hurt in the storms Sunday. We hope you were as lucky. More headed here this weekend.

As discussed last week, the Capri, as well as every other theatre in the country, is wondering when it can reopen and how we know if it will be safe. Despite the "plan" put forth by the government this week, it seems no one is thinks we can open before July. This year at the earliest, next more likely. Either way, we want to be here and will be planning how to do that.

This shutdown being a good opportunity to think about improvements, I'm curious to know what you'd like to see change at the Capri, and what you absolutely want to stay the same. It's all make believe right now, so be as practical or not, as you please.

This is as good a time as any to remind you that we have a presence on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Go ahead and find us if you are interested in whatever is passing through our heads when we post. Eve handles the Twitter and Instagram, in case you are longing for a different voice.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in memberships and donations. And to all of you giving the Virtual Cinema a try. You are helping keep us afloat, and we are very thankful for your faith and support."

Stay Home and Stay Well
Martin McCaffery, Director Capri Theatre

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