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Apr 2, 2020

Not Everyone Wants F-35 Military Jets

From a story in the Madison Wisconsin State Journal newspaper:

"Despite not being able to hear from many residents who wanted to speak, the Madison City Council on Wednesday took a clear stand against placing F-35 jets at Madison’s Truax Field.
During its first-ever virtual meeting — that stretched from Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. to Wednesday at 2:50 a.m. — the council adopted an advisory resolution that opposes the fighter jets and calls on the secretary of the Air Force to station them elsewhere. The measure was approved just after 2:30 a.m. on a 13-5 vote, with two absences."

I gravitated to the story for two reasons: First, The Alabama Air National Guard in Montgomery is expecting a squadron of the fighter jets in 2023 (there have been few complaints about noise or anything here.)

     And secondly, my father was posted at Truax Field in Wisconsin for training during WWII. 
     He trained as a aircraft radio operator there. (Army Air Forces Technical School (Radio No. 3), 22 July 1942-1 November 1945. 

(Note the U.S. Air Force did not exist at the point.) 

That's me wearing Dad's Army Air Force radio headphones about 1956. Even then I was a technical wiz: note I am talking into the headphone plug, not a microphone.  

Hey is this thing on????😃

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