May 1, 2020

Media: The Other Side of The Vietnam War

    I've been posting about the end of The Vietnam War...which the Vietnamese call The American War
    I don't know if they called it The French War before the U.S. got involved, at least in part to block Communism.
    And while I have been writing about the complete American military departure from 'Nam in 1975, the Vietnamese media have been writing about "Reunification Day", the day the North and the South became one. I've been reading about it online in a state-owned site called

 ...which Reporters Without Borders reports was shut down for three months last Summer for "printing untruths". 
     The website is back up now, and describes itself as holding a "Publication permit...granted by the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam."

Vietnam ranks #175th in a ranking of countries based on media freedom. (Norway is #1, North Korea is dead last at 180.)

While the United States ranks higher, it is a relatively low 45th, mostly because of hostility towards the media from...The White House.

Don't ya know The Trump Administration would love to have a Ministry of Information able to grant permits to media...and suspend those permits for "untruths"?  There goes The N.Y. Times and The Washington Post...and real reporting.


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