Jun 16, 2020

Origin: "cup of joe"

From a member of an online alumni group to which I belong:

"The statue of O’le Josephus Daniels, publisher of The News & Observer was removed from Raleigh’s Nash Square in the dark and rain last night for what was termed “his past racist views!” Josephus was Secretary of the Navy during WW I and was responsible for removing the rum ration from American ships during Prohibition. He was called the most hated man in the country at the time when the sailors started calling their cup of coffee with no rum, “A Cup-of-Joe” in his honor....(or dishonor).
Very interesting story, but not true, reports Snopes'.
More seriously and more damning were his racist views, which were true:

Daniels believed that "the greatest folly and crime" in U.S. history was giving Negroes the vote.[2]:37 He and his newspaper "championed the white supremacy cause in frequent news reports, vigorously worded editorials, provocative letters, and vicious front page cartoons that called attention to what the newspaper called the horrors of 'negro rule.'"[2]:38 Daniels argued that as long as African Americans had any political power, they would block progressive reforms

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