Jun 16, 2020

The SCOTUS LGBTQ Decision. Trump's "but".


      Trump said he'd read the decision and that "some people were surprised...but they've ruled and we live with their decision. That's what it's all about. We live with the decision of the Supreme Court. Very powerful. A very powerful decision actually. But they have so ruled."

     The word "but" expresses the real reaction, considering the fact that that the Trump Administration opposed including employment protections for LGBTQ  people from day one.  (And someone may want to remember that statement about "we live with their decision" in future attempts to overturn Roe V Wade etc.)

TIME magazine lays out the Trump opposition---the reverse, of course, of The Obama Administration---HERE.

No reaction from state or local officials, even from the only Alabama Democratic member of the U.S. House---Terri Sewell, or from Democratic U.S. Senator Doug Jones...neither of whom signed a friend of the court filing last Summer supporting the inclusion of LGBTQ people under the job protection.

     Neither of them needed to do so to win liberal support. They'll get that either way. But it would have been nice to hear something.


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