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Jun 23, 2020

Three Weeks Till GOP Senate Primary Runoff

     Republican voters will decide between Jeff Sessions and Tommy Tubberville as their General Election nominee for U.S. Senate three weeks from today.
     The primary run-off was scheduled when none of the candidates in the primary won enough votes for an outright win. 
     President Trump has endorsed Tubberville, continuing his long-running pique fight with Sessions. 
     CNN reported last week that Trump would attend a rally for Tubberville in Mobile before the July 14th run-off. But there has been no official announcement about it...and the problems with the sparsely attended Saturday rally in Tulsa may make the White House concerned about other events.

 Whichever candidate wins will go up against Democratic Incumbent U.S. Senator Doug Jones in November. Jones was elected when he defeated twice fired Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. But he is expected to face a more significant opponent in the General election, whether Tubberville or Sessions wins the GOP nomination. 
     Turnout is always a significant factor in Alabama elections, especially when they are scheduled for Summer, and this year, with the Covid19 factor omnipresent.

ADDENDUM: A tweet from candidate Sessions after the Trump Rally in Tulsa on Saturday:

“President @realDonaldTrump displayed tonight his incredible drive, understanding of the history and principles that made America great. Masterful! Unleashed! Winning message!!
@JoeBiden cannot match this. Game on!”


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