Sep 17, 2020

Another Building Name Change---at UA. Are they paying the fines?


AL.COM reports: 

"A second University of Alabama campus building has been renamed as part of the effort to remove names associated with a racist past.

The home of the English Department will no longer be known as Morgan Hall after the UA Board of Trustees voted Thursday. It will now be just English Building, following the model of  as approved in August."


     The 2017 Confederate Memorial law* requires municipalities or other public entities to get state permissions before changing names or removing confederate (and other) buildings or monuments. 

     It was signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey, who also approved a campaign ad for her election in which she bragged about it.

     Troy University managed to change the name of a building, but have not explained if they paid a fine or if the state looked the other way.

     Montgomery's School Board plans to change the names of three schools, including Lee High School, and has said it will pay the $75k combined fines to the state. 


*Code § 41-9-230 through 237, AL Act 2017-354, Senate Bill 60) is an act of law in the U.S. state of Alabama which requires local governments to obtain state permission before moving or renaming historically significant buildings and monuments that date back 40 years or longer.

(It calls for a one-time $25k fine for violations.) 

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