Dec 7, 2020

More from Dr. Thrasher about Codiv 19


What the good doctor writes:

"As you know______is recovering from Covid. On a scale of 1 to 10 he has a two. He's been very lucky. All of us cannot say that. I am probably breaking all the Hippa rules but I don't really care. I am in the twilight of my career.I understand there was a ball game yesterday but I didn't get to see it. My partner and I and one nurse practitioner have 161 patients across the city in our hospitals . I got 10 Covid consults from one ER alone . This is in addition to the 40 or so patients that I am treating as an  outpatient for COVID-19.  We finally quit at 10 last night.  I am taking time to write you this morning before I start rounds again to beg you to be careful in these next coming months. I warned ----- before regarding the marina get together that we all enjoy.. It is simply not safe right now. I have been scared to death that my pal ---------- was going to get it as he was close to those who are sick.  This virus is so contagious. I am treating several of our friends who are in critical condition. Just because you survive this doesn't mean that you will not be on lifelong oxygen as well. This disease is really tough on the lungs. I'm treating 12  doctors now and three of them have had to be on oxygen and some  probably  will it require the rest of their lives . One had a major pulmonary embolus. I myself went to a social event eight days ago. It was outside on a farm. There were 25 people there and tables were set up outside. While most had masks, very few wore them and most giggled at my large N100 that I always wear. The day after our evening banquet one of my colleagues from Tuscaloosa who flew his plane to the event felt sick and tested positive. Within two days six of the group were sick and one was on oxygen. One of our friends got it for the second time- I had treated him last August when he was fairly sick.   This is what a super spreader looks like. Remember only 20% of people who are positive actually spread it. My plea to all of my friends on this blog is to hunker down and stay away from people as much as you can until you can get your vaccine. This will be available in mid December I predict.  Please wear a mask particular when your family is coming to visit inside your house. And continue to encourage your places of worship to do this remotely or at least wear a mask.  BTW one of the Docs who  is critically ill  told his preacher last July that Covid was "no worse than the regular flu”.I believe everybody on this blog is at least 65 years old. We do have the monoclonal antibody available here and I have treated people from Mobile to Brewton to Birmingham with it. It does seem to be working. Should any of you test positive let me know as soon as possible because this treatment only works if given very early. Again my hope and prayers is for each of you  to have a wonderful holiday season but I don't want to see you in a hospital. Nor I do I  want to be treating your wives  because you've given it to them as well."

                Stay Safe Knuckle Heads,

                       David Thrasher

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