Dec 9, 2020

Not a single mention of D.T. from "Team Roby"


   Departing 2nd District Congressman Martha Roby used the name of her party's top elected official exactly zero times in her last speech on the house floor.

     Not a single mention of the person who guided her party for the past four years. Not one.

     Instead she brags about "Team Roby" and how much they accomplished. I guess D.T. was not a member of the team?

"It is incumbent upon us, Members of Congress, to join forces and work together to get things done for the good of the American people. When we reach across the aisle and work with the other side to arrive at a compromise for the benefit of those we serve, we are truly at our best."

     Not even one use of the Trump name in her goodby speech.

     And still not a word about why she abandoned the seat she held.


Will she run for another office? Finger to the wind?

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