Sep 6, 2021

Motor1 reports it: Hyundai, ALL electric vehicles by 2040.


 "The announcement made today at the start of the IAA Munich also mentions 2040 as being the year when Hyundai will become a purely electric brand in most major global markets. By then, the company estimates battery-electric and fuel cell electric vehicles to account for 80 percent of its total annual sales after reaching 30 percent at the end of this decade. In related news, the company's whole global operations will be powered by renewable energy by 2045."

Read the entire website story HERE.


That's only 19 years away! 



So what happens to the only Hyundai plant in the U.S. ? The one employing thousands in Montgomery, Alabama?

Easy. The company will spend $7.4 Billion to convert the plant between now and 2025.



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