Sep 8, 2021

Two Years After The Golden Ray Capsizes

      It was on this date two years ago that the Hyundai-owned ship The Golden Ray capsized as it tried to turn leaving the port of Brunswick Georgia.


There were thousands of new vehicles on board, all of them---and the ship itself---became scrap. 

Salvagers cut the ship into eight big pieces, the last two cuts happening last week...and those pieces will soon be loaded onto barges to be carted away.


     Some estimates put the price tag of disposing of the ship and it's contents, and the lost value of the ship and cargo, at 300-Million Dollars. 

     The cause of the accident? The vehicles were loaded poorly, including a decision to switch out some lighter vehicles for heavier SUV's at the last minute. 

 The ship was cut into pieces using a big anchor chain to act as a saw, pulled back and forth by a huge crane straddling the overturned ship.

None of the vehicles on board were from the Hyundai plant in Montgomery.

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